Sunday, June 15, 2008

7 minutes in heaven

I don't watch TV - not really, at least. TV in my world is 2 hours disguised as "folding laundry" (you know, matching one pair of socks every, say, 5 minutes) as I disengage totally watching anything on Bravo - (you go, Housewife! Spend that hard earned OC dough on your third 200K wedding!) I say this about not watching TV because all of my non-doctor friends are like, "Wow, you're going to be an intern! Cool! Just like on Grey's Ana.tomy!" Um, well, I guess, but no, not really. To be fair, the only snippets I've seen of that show involve interns hooking up in hospital linen closets. So I can't really make a comparison. But I hope that we do more than hook up for 80 hours a week...that sounds really tiring. And not particularly helpful for keeping hospital linens, ahem, clean...

I start Ob/residency in 8 days. That gives me 8 days left to power parent, unpack boxes from our recent move, hit the pool a few times with the goyles, date my husband and yes, start a blog. So here it goes...

A few ground rules, here. I'm only going to spend 7 minutes at a time to write a post. I have some time management issues from years past that still occasionally catch up with me. So in an effort to keep myself on some sort of legit track, 7 minutes is all I give at one time. Meter's up already. There you go...


Dragonfly said...

Wow, that sounds like a good idea, I should do that....unfortunately sometimes I get into writing frenzies....impending time management crisis perhaps :-)

dr. whoo? said...

Grey's Anatomy...totally not medically relevant (love the soap opera though.) Seriously, what Surgery intern enters the hospital in the daylight?