Friday, June 27, 2008


Week Uno of residency is done. This week I have been an active (level of attentiveness directly proportional to coffee consumed) listener on medical ethics, computer training 101, neonatal resuscitation, fetal strip monitoring, and a whole host of etc. A smorgasborg of items that will be entirely useful at some point really soon, I hope. Today I am still an intern-to-be. Monday I am THE DOCTOR trying to decide if a vaginal bleed in a pregnant woman is life threatening and in need of acute hospitalization, or simply because they just had sex with their baby daddy. I'll probably wait to report on that in the middle of my panic next week.

It's been an odd week around the G2P2 household. My eldest daughter at 3 1/2, whom my husband and I affectionately nicknamed "Smiley," has adjusted well to mommy being gone this week; by now I suppose she's used to my irregular spurts of working really, really hard. But for the last 4 months, I've been done with med school and a complete SAHM. And this has really thrown off my younger 16-month-old daughter, whom we call "Chumby" (she a tough girl - "gets knocked down and gets up again," ala Tubthumper) has had a hard time righting herself this week from the blow of not having mommy around. We're also weaning her from her addiction to my boobies this week. So in essence, we've taken away her best friend (me, of course) and her portable smoothie machine (me again). You'd be bummed too!

Hoping I enjoy my last weekend "free" of work with my husband, whom I'll call ArchiDad, Smiley and Chumby. 4:45 am on Monday will come might fast! Yikes!


Dragonfly said...

Welcome to the blogosphere.
Re "level of attentiveness directly proportional to coffee consumed" - love it :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, OB huh? The statistic I'm familiar with is that about 20% of OB residents end up switching. I was in that 20%. Maybe you won't be:)

dr. whoo? said...

Well, how is it going? Have they beaten you into submission yet? :)